All of the boxes go together in same way other than the front pieces of the characters themselves. Those can pieced and layered together like any other paper piecing.
1. Cut out all your pieces. Glue all the characters parts and pieces to the front of the box before assembling the carrier.
2. After you have the character's pieces (face, hat, scarves, etc.)added to the front of the box flip both the front and back facedown and end to end, lineup the circles on the lower large tabs and glue together. You will now have one long piece. This is the top section of the Bath Bomb box.
3. Fold the score lines on the bottom section and lay it on your work surface with tabs coming up as shown. Flip the top section of the box "face up" and lay it cross wise on the bottom section as shown in the photo above and glue in place matching up the center circles.
The pattern comes with 2 different sizes of bottom boxes, the part that hangs down below the character's body. The following shows a different method of closing the tall box and short box.
4. If using the taller box bottom you will see a cutout tab on one side and slit on the other. This tab and slit is not on the shorter box.
5. I'm jumping a little ahead to show how the box closes on the bottom. Pop up the tab cutout and insert it into the slot on the other side as shown. You will then push it fully closed.
6. Before closing the bottom tabs, lay the box on it's side, insert your bath bomb or ornament into the bottom box. The top of the bomb or ornament rests up into the circle cutout.
7. Now insert the cutout tab into the slot and push the sides together to fully close.
8. Stand the gift box up right. Thread a length of ribbon or twine thru the holes in the neck area and tie your box top closed.
The short box works best for small bath bombs and those little EOS lip glosses. They will even work for K-cups.
The circle in the main pattern piece is 2-1/2" in diameter. For smaller items I included 4 additional inserts with every design. These hold your item in place, make it easy to open and remove the gift and then reuse the box.
9. Set your item in the box and then place the insert tab on top to be sure you have the size you need. Fold up the tabs on the insert. Glue the long tab to inside edge keeping the folded edges for the insert and box lined up.
10. Now gently push the insert down over your item. Don't glue the short tab. This tab is used to open and remove the gift item easily without tearing the box apart. It will stay down when you tie the top of box closed.
**TIP: I cut out all 4 inserts and save off to the side. Then I can use them to determine what size insert I will need on each project. When I know what size I want then I only have to cut one from the right color cardstock.
See the full line of Bath Bomb Gift Boxes here.
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