Almost every day my 12 year old announces what national, or international holiday it is. Who doesn't love a holiday or reason to celebrate, am I right? Being born on Christmas day, she LOVES holidays and is excited about any opportunity to receive or give a gift.
To honor her, I thought it only fair to share with all of you Today's Holiday.

Happy National Pencil Day!!
When you think of a pencil who comes to mind? Teachers, artists, students? How can you honor them with a pencil-ish type gift?
Not only are pencils great for writing (well duh, my daughter says) the erasers have come in handy many of times when I have lost the backing to my earrings. They make great sibling pokers, hair twirlers and head scratchers.
Be sure to share how you are celebrating National Pencil Day on our facebook page! We would LOVE to hear about it and see your projects. :)
Hugs, Kristi